Let the word 'Poor' go out of Practice!

          "The Fellow that no money is poor. The Fellow that has nothing but money is poorer still" - Billy Sunday

The closer the picture, the clearer it is- how poverty deciphers the word 'poor' as an adjective to a financially challenged group of humans. As per the World Bank, less than 10 percent of the world's population lives in extreme poverty, which means the rest of the 90 percent have access to all the basic means for survival- food, clothes and shelter etc. Now, to a more closer look, out of these 90 percent, so called financially stable sections, how many of them are real rich? 

Rich, in terms of having good heart, rich in terms of showing true empathy, rich in terms of showing true compassion and work sincerely towards mitigating and diluting this major economical difference? How many of us are truly engaged in sharing and contributing a part of our gains in subsiding the real picture of poverty to uplift the state and condition of the unpriviledged ones? 

Numerous print media outlets, news channels, social media platforms are loaded with the term 'Poor'- made for poor/a poor man/as he is poor etc etc. 

Povery is not a social stigma, one has to clearly understand that! The word 'poor' has to go-from dictionary (on targeting someone), from our thoughts, from our actions and reactions! Calling someone a poor is as equal as hurting his sentiments and dignity. 

We are heading towards a more advanced pace of knowledge and experience. When would the world grow up? When would we start realizing the fact that we all are poor in one or the other ways? Those who are financially challenged are clogged as poor; some are challenged in having poor mentality; some acts like scavengers feeding on minors and weaker groups and some are designed with apathy enabled tools (hearts and minds). So, we have different concepts of being poor. Right! 

Then why is that people who are (not) financially flourished enough or financially disabled are categorized to be as poor? 

People should stop targeting communities, groups or sections with the use of those lose words! 

I, therefore, urge the United Nations and all effective leaders from all across the world including India to scrap this word off from its use from all the platforms, channels and mediums. 

This word has to go out of practice to target someone's state of financial health. 

How truly someone has mentioned- "True wealth is not of the pocket but of the heart and mind."

#UnitedNations #UN #India #WorldBank #WHO #EU #EuropeanUnion #Google #MinistryofFinance #RefrainfromusingwordPoor #scrapthewordPoor

P.S. It is important to note that I have genuinely described not to use the word 'poor' to hit at someone's state of financial condition or health. 


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