‘Probability of Equations’ formula can boost effectivity of Google Search tool

The worldwide health emergency caused by ‘SARS-CoV-2’ since January 2020, in a lot of ways has brought focus on most of the loopholes regarding our lifestyle and the system that we all are dealing with at present; needs to revamp its core principles and services at a massive scale.

Now, more than ever, there is a need of exhaustive collaboration between the governments (Centre and states & states to states), societies, healthcare professionals, financial institutions, social institutions and last but not the least, the citizens of the nation, to carry a new healthy-cum-honest vision & mission, a healthy thought-process, a healthy outlook for life, a healthy revamped system, all-in place with a new approach to deal with any kind of emergencies- health, social, financial, frontiers and so on.

One of the creative yet important measures, Google, can work on is- embedding new algorithms within its search tool. This innovative build-up in the search tool must be based on ‘Probability of Equations’- which is, trying different set of keywords and placing them to form an equation which is quick and useful while searching for a particular information.


For instance, if the family of a pregnant COVID-19 patient wants to find certain information- ‘Is vaccine safe for a pregnant woman?’, then typing such keywords in the form of a question is lengthy and takes time on the search tool to collect information from the database. For a layman, who, is not used to extract info (s) on a webtool service, would be difficult for him/her to gather information in real-time during any emergency or crisis.

So, instead of writing keywords in the form of a sentence, if Google has this probable search equation formula in-built- “Pregnancy +Vaccine + Safety” or “Pregnant women + Vaccine + Safety”, then this simple and yet powerful equation would not only bring a new way of signing-in to the useful information but also a quick and easy way to get the required info in no time.

COVID stats India
The team at Google can come up with many such equations for such emergencies like COVID-19 pandemic in English and many other languages in India as well as other languages that are practiced across the world. This initiative would bring many critical lives within safe scores to get medication and health facilities on time.

By-Rashmi Singh

#COVID19 #Google #SearchTool #NewAlgorithms #ProbabilityOfEquations #WebsearchFormula @SundarPichai @Google #SundarPichai #India #World #Information #Quick&Useful #PublicHealthEmergency

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  1. https://blog.google/technology/health/new-tools-support-vaccine-access-and-distribution/


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