Channelising sorted & verified COVID-based info at one platform is imperative

As the country reels under the second COVID-19 wave hit by the double mutant- B.1.617, India's health system crippled to provide all-of a-sudden surge in medical and health services sought by thousands of COVID patients. As of now, the national capital itself has around 3,38,149 #COVID19 cases in the last 14 days between April 16th till April 29th, 2021.

Searches for #OxygenCylinders & #Remdisivir intensified between April 22nd till April 29th, 2021 amid the crisis. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn (to some extent) were loaded with information and posts where people reached out for help during emergencies. No one had any particular idea where to access the required information, resources and aid. With limited knowledge, random posts, calls and shares, became the only medium to extract information and ready-to-use the COVID based resources- what, where, why and how?

Lack of #cryogenic containers and the distance of suppliers (mostly in different neighbouring states) to the destination were the two major factors over the shortage of oxygen concentrators in Delhi. The wrath of the public crash down hard on both the central and state governments, whose prime responsibility was to ascertain and get ready to deal with any situation or crisis. We had fought the first wave in good spirit under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi but for the recurring ones, we need to shield and update our health services with sufficient supplies- for instance- ready-to-serve spaces orchestrated with ventilators and oxygen concentrators, PPE kit and highly essentials equipment (to be used during emergencies) until the impact of COVID19 is completely wiped out from the planet. It is worthwhile to note that even a single virus could induce the process again. 

COVID-19 is a global catastrophe and will continue its impact until its is fully eradicated from every nook and corner of the world- the way plague and polio were tackled in the past. And, that's why, channelising the verified and valid resources and information at a platform is imperative that will pave the way for its easy accessibility whenever emergency strikes in future.

#DelhiCOVID19surge      #LimitedChannelisedResourcesOnline      #UnverifiedResources

Source: JHU CSSE COVID19 Data


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