Human action is a purposeful behavior that determines consequences Our mother Earth was created approximately 4.6 billion years ago with the accretion of solar nebula. Initially it was formed from molten lava, which on gradual cooling formed into different layers. Our earth’s creation has been unique and so was the creation of life that sustained on the mother planet. It’s the only planet that sustains life…that sustains us.. Population in billions is being carried by the mother earth and the numbers are being added at a gradual pace every year. The current population of the world is 7,504,902,001 billion where China tops the list with a population score of 1,387,488,913 Billion , India at second having 1,340,528,743 Billion and U.S.A at third position with a population of 326, 177, 221 Billion (worldometers.info). World Population by Country: Figure 1 - World Population At present, the current rate of the growing population is around ...