
Showing posts from March, 2014

Researchers crack the underlying cause behind strange social interaction in delinquent adolescents

Have we ever thought of reading the minds of youths involved in crimes? Why are they not normal? Why are they drawn more toward unlawful activities? Is this anomalous behaviour induced into their minds through external stimulus or is it something genetically inherited? Such many other questions compel us to figure out the exact causes behind the conduct of delinquent adolescents . U nlike, non-delinquent groups, it is believed that youths engaged in crimes most likely develop anti-social behaviour at a very early age. This normally includes violent behaviour that can cause harm to others, breach upon the basic rights of another person, oppose cultural norms or are less able to take the opinions of others. In one of the latest findings, researchers at the  University of Leiden and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany , have come up with a viable reason associated with the neural development of Anti-social Personality Syndrome (APS) in delinquent...

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's to face a thud, a new drug making headway.

‘An elderly man, aged 70, reads about their love story to his elderly wife, everyday without fail. The wife, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, doesn’t remember him and merely consider him as friend. He pins his hope each day that she would remember him and their children’: a scene from a famous movie ‘ The Notebook ’ pours my heart out for those elderly couple, who are facing this odd disease in real life. I didn’t hear about this disease until year 2000, when I got to know from a classmate that her grandmother was living with a mysterious ailment (Alzheimer’s) where she kept forgetting things throughout the day. The disease had torn her grandmother badly, as she used to scream, shout and sometimes run away from the house. Really appalling! Alzheimer’s, a neurodegenerative disease, is a condition of the brain that gradually destroys memory and thinking abilities of a person. Even, one can’t carry out the simplest routine tasks. People living with this ailment lose things ea...